Here is the communication from Prateesh Shrivastava, Founder, Hindi Manch….
There is a great opportunity to have your kids (or kids you know) learn Hindi Language and get exposed to Hindi culture in the form of Hindi Manch’s next event “Baal evam Yuva Manch”. This is a talent show for children (ages 5–21 years) in the Hindi language where they can perform in small skits, poetry reciting, group songs or any other item where the kids will speak in Hindi from stage..
Kids can perform on Hindi Manch stage in this event and while they prepare for their performances, they will get many opportunities to learn about the language and culture. Kids learn fast in a group which is why we are allowing only group performances for the event. If you cannot find a group for your kids (or kids you know) then let us know and we can help you in forming the group.
Registration will be closed on January 26th – last time we received many more entries than we could accommodate and had to refuse many entries so please send in your entry as soon as you can..
Please find below some key information about the event
1: The performance should be in Hindi language. The event will be on March 24th 2013 between 2 and 5 pm.. Venue is still under discussion but it will be close to Lexington/Boston/Framingham areas.
2. Only group performances are allowed and each performance should be under 10 minutes.
3. Groups should have minimum 8 kids – If you cannot find a group for your kids (or kids you know) then connect with us and we will help you in forming the group.
4. Registration fee $5 per participant – Once you give you entry, someone from our group will send you a link to pay..
5: Please send us details of your item including the following:
A) Name and contact information including email B) Nature of your item – a paragraph summarizing details of your item and C) names of performers.
Please send us a note at if you need any further information about the event or registration..